Thursday, 6 October 2011

Asmita Agrawal_GenXpressionz

The Power Of The Youth

Today’s youth.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

It is today’s youth, that will go on to become the controllers of this world. Their knowledge, intelligence, enterprise and decisions will determine the world’s prosperity. Both good and bad decisions will influence the people, the society, the country and  lastly, the whole of mankind.  Where one wise choice can change lives, an unwise choice can destroy many.

It is the youth that decides trends. What’ cool, what’s not. What’s in, what’s not. What’s good, what’s not. If we can be capable of creating a widespread mindset, then why not raise our voices in issues that matter?  It is only a matter of time when we decide that fighting for the greater cause is ‘in’.
And that trend, will change the world as we know it.

Who says one man (or woman) can not make a difference?
It is when each person decides to stand together and fight for something they believe in, that the power of the youth can truly be demonstrated. Together, we can not only improve our society, but can put all our heads together to do something that can benefit the whole world.

 If the youth of our country gets together, every hurdle can be overcome.
Nothing can be too difficult or impossible. Nothing can be unachievable.

Each one teach one. And illiteracy will be history.
Each one donate some. And poverty will be a thing of past.
Each one take responsibility. And the world will be a better place to be in.

It’s our time now. Observe, introspect, take action.

 Submitted By :Asmita Agrawal

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